Friday, April 3, 2015

Toothless Finalization

It's amazing how fast and slow 6 months can go!  So much of the last 6 months is blur of survival; good news, all 5 pictured above proves we have SURVIVED! Let me tell you a little bit about that day.

1.  We were before the judge for a matter of 3 minutes tops!
2.  Josiah, the child who wants to be held all day long every day, chose this to be the 3 minutes that he didn't want to be held.
3.  While nothing in our daily life changed in these 3 minutes, we did officially add TWO more Knops to the our clan.  That's right; names now match mommy, daddy, and sister.
4.  The significance of this day became clear just 3 days later.

That's right; three days after finalization we had to make a decision as parents that had 4-5 year impact for Josiah.  We went to the park to play on a gorgeous day.  While putting Josiah in the swing, he smiled his huge sweet grin. BAM! I see his cracked front tooth. Mind you, our son didn't cry of pain at all when he cracked his tooth so I have no idea how he actually did this to his tooth! Mom of the year award right there. Anyway, per suggestion of our friend and dentist (Dr. Hassler at Legend Dental if you are in the market for a dentist), we began the search of a pediatric dentist open on a Saturday.  Side note: If you want to work Monday-Thursday with a 90 minute lunch break, specialize in pediatric dentistry. BUT, if you need one, Dr. Melanson at Austin Children's Dentistry was fantastic!) Upon x-rays, it was clear due to the nerve being exposed that we had to do something. After weighing our options we decided to extract his front tooth as putting him under general anesthesia didn't seem worth it for a baby tooth.  He is still so dang cute toothless! And interestingly enough, had this happened before finalization, the same decision would likely have been made but we would have been contacting the adoption agency before pulling it.  It was honestly a little weird but wonderful that we weren't contacting the agency to keep them in the loop.

While this whole experience was a bit traumatic for mom, it also became an event that solidified Josiah and Jolie as Knops. We had to make the decision to pull his tooth, in his best interest. And it will have lasting impact as his permanent tooth will be a long a time coming!  And maybe that's why he chipped his tooth; it left us, Josiah's parents, to make a lasting, long-term decision further demonstrating that God has made Jolie and Josiah permanent Knops.

As parents we sacrificed Josiah's front tooth for his greater good.  I was logically on board with Dr. Melanson when we chose to extract Josiah's tooth. Once blood started flow, I was a wreck.  In light of Good Friday, I am thinking of what God sacrificed for my greater good. Imagine the emotion God felt on Good Friday; seriously consider what God and Jesus endured. Both knew exactly why Jesus came to earth and that Jesus would be sacrificed once for all (1 Peter 3:18). We know Jesus struggled with the plan as he prayed in Gethsemane for another way (Matthew 26:36-42, Mark 14:32-39, Luke 22:39-46). I am left pondering what God may have felt allowing Jesus to be whipped, beaten, mocked, spit upon, and crucified. If you are parent, think of how you feel when your child is truly suffering? I can only imagine that the crucifixion had to be exponentially more emotional.  See, I sacrificed something of Josiah's for Josiah; but God sacrificed His son for others, for ME.

Without the 6 months of survival/struggle as a family of 5 and 3 minutes before the judge, our children's adoption isn't final. Without Good Friday, God's adoption of me isn't final either.  I'm left celebrating this Good Friday with a slightly different perspective.  Enduring suffering and long days filled with trials led to potentially one of the most defining moments of our family. Jesus' enduring the cross led to one of the most defining moments in the history of the world and for me personally.

What trials are you barely surviving? What's your perspective?  Can you trust that the trials may be leading to something great? Hold on, fight the good fight because resurrection Sunday is coming.

**People continue to ask how they can support our new family. Please continue to pray and consider a financial donation to finish our race! You can donate here.