Sunday, February 8, 2015

How's everything going?

So I'm taking a stab at another post.  Totally skipped January because I honestly forgot between throwing my 5 year old a "Frozen" party, celebrating Cory's birthday less than one week later, and having an incredible visit from dear friends the Smeedings AND my incredible brother, sister-in-law, and CUTEST niece in the whole world!

Big news....we have a finalization date of March 25th.  Crazy to think it will have been 6 months by then because the days are LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG...did you catch that emphasis?  And yet somehow with the long days, the months have flown by. No doubt the flying by is only possible because of the AMAZING community we have and prayers that are being offered. Please still consider donations to paying off the adoption because it would awesome to finish by finalization.

Now, the title of my post...."How's everything going?' I really have no idea sometimes how to answer that question.  Because it isn't all unicorns and rainbows over here people!  This is hands-down the hardest, most difficult, and hopefully most rewarding thing God has ever asked of us.  Why so hard? Well, you know me and how much I LOVE TODDLERS! And yet God gave me two more to love, cherish, and adopt into our family as He adopted me into merit and not earned. Also, 1 to 3 kids is quite the jump (I wonder what 2 is like???) Anyway, this is tough stuff and not enough moms are willing to say that this is TOUGH; like way tougher than anyone is willing to tell you (catch that vicious cycle?) But I believe with so many people asking that question I have realized one thing...CRAZY IS OUR NEW NORMAL, and I have to get on board with that.  I'm realizing my expectation of my "life" coming back just won't happen when you have 5 very sinful people in a household.  And how deceived was I when it was just 3! Bottom line, I was just really good at imposing my selfishness upon 1 because I didn't have 3. Also, mommies needs to start telling the truth! Because this stuff is ridiculous awesome and awful, horrendous and hopeful, wretching and rewarding.

But, do people really want hear this when they ask? Because adoption is beautiful and awesome, I sense they want to hear that everything is dandy. If you are reading this hoping for that answer, you probably shouldn't ask me! :) The best part in all of is where God wants us.  Right in the thick of it, totally reliant on His ability to get us through the day (more gracefully than others some days). While this is difficult, God is moving.  God is showing me my selfishness in ways I never would have seen with these two new little ones.  He is sanctifying my family in ways that never could have happened without my two new children. Where else would I want be?

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